
Estás en: Home > Estudios > Grado > Grados Internacionales > The University of Chicago - Pharmacy / Pharmacy and Biotechnology

Estudios de Grado

Grados Internacionales

The University of Chicago

Pharmacy / Pharmacy and Biotechnology


"The university's bilingual program is clearly attracting a highly selective group of professionals in training who are becoming well equipped to contribute to health care both in their local communities and in the global health care environment".
Richard R. Wilson. MD, Professor of Good ClinicalPractices. The University of Chicago

"The pharmacy students in the university’s bilingual program are exceptional. After the first day of teaching these students, I altered my course materials as I realized that these students were quite advanced. Their engagement, enthusiasm and knowledge in regards to clinical research and application was, and is, extraordinary. They are an enjoyable group of individuals to spend time with".
Clarice L. Copeman. Professor of Good Clinical Practices. The University of Chicago

"It is rewarding - and lots of fun as an instructor – to see very intelligent and engaged students as they readily discover and then clearly articulate solutions to challenging health care case studies while, at the same time, working together in class as part of small teams and learning groups".
Richard R. Wilson, MD. Professor of Good Clinical Practices. The University of Chicago.

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